Feel like a relaxing weekend away in a fabulously designed hotel with great architecture and facilities? The outdoor spa and heated swimming pools are the central features of our architectural design for this hotel, the reception, restaurants, bars, conference / ballroom rooms, fitness room, studio and executive suites all wrap around them. This arrangement allows a double loading of hotel suites; the inner suites have pool experiences, while city life is observed from the suites on the street side. Car parking is located below the pools.
The hotel wings are characterized by three architectural aesthetics, one acknowledges historic buildings removed from the site, one is a conversion of a disused office building and the other is a contemporary design. The converted building provides the transition between the historic and contemporary wings, and elements of each aesthetic are applied to the other to unify the forms and complete the story. This project was completed in collaboration with Hornby Architects.
Understanding the creative process behind this hotel will make the stay all the more enjoyable. Go on, treat yourself and someone special to a luxury weekend away,
book your weekend today!